Olivia Hyunsin Kim: She Came, She Saw, She Said: Meme – TANZTAGE BERLIN 2025

Olivia Hyunsin Kim:
She Came, She Saw, She Said: Meme

Olivia Hyunsin Kim:
She Came, She Saw, She Said: Meme
Suitable for English Speakers

Can stereotypes become means of empowerment? Olivia Hyunsin Kim questions the exotification of "the other" within the international dance scene.


Let's talk about Dance

Duration ca. 60 min CHOREOGRAphy, PERFORMANCE Olivia Hyunsin Kim SOUND, PERFORMANCE Baly Nguyen CHOREOGRAPHIC ASSISTANCE Ricarda Sowa COSTUMES Kristin Gerwien LIGHT DESIGN, STAGE DESIGN Lea Schneidermann DRAMATURGY Wicki Bernhardt

The first part of the project was funded by the Mayor of Berlin, Hessische Theaterakademie and Gießener Hochschulgesellschaft. In coproduction with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and with friendly support of Tanzfabrik Berlin and ada Studio.

Foto © Moo Sang Kim

OLIVIA HYUNSIN KIM works as a choreographer and curator in Berlin, Frankfurt a.M. and Seoul. She won the first place of the Amadeu Antonio Arts Award 2019 for Miss Yellow and Me - I wanna be a musical. She completed her master's degree in choreography and performance at the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies Giessen and the HfMDK Frankfurt with distinction. In 2017 she was danceWEB scholarship holder at Impulstanz and is 2020/21 scholarship holder at the Kulturakademie Tarabya, Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia, Goethe Institut Montréal. Her work has been shown at Sophiensælen Berlin, Art Sonje Center Seoul, Mousonturm Frankfurt, Museo Universitario del Chopo Mexico City, Schauspielhaus Wien, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr among others.
